EFSKit - Electronic Formulated Signal Kit

Project Name:
Begin at:
01 May, 2019
Seen :
End At:
24 May, 2019

All the information on EFSKIT application is for info and learning purposes only. Although the information contained on this application have been collected or arrived at from sources believed to be dependable, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to their accurateness or completeness and neither the info nor the forecast shall be taken as a representation for which the web site and its third party providers acquire any responsibility. The web site and its third party providers do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of this data or its contents. EFSKIT Team may make amendments on the information and the services defined herein at any time. Bring up-to-date information/data are not constrained and through this is not likely, the site may terminate offering the data at any time without notice



  1. url : https://efskit.yana.work/
  2. Email : [email protected]
  3. Password : efskit@123


  1. Download APK Here
  2. email : [email protected]
  3. password : 1234567890


  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. Postgresql
  3. Searchkick / Elasticsearc
  4. Android Studio
  5. Firebbase
  6. Redis

Screenshoot App


Screenshoot Web Admin